The customs broker

Company DOS TOUR gives a full spectrum of customs and transport services on transportation of the various nomenclature of import and transit cargoes from the countries Western and the East Europe.

Carries out customs registration of cargoes, the international transportations, экспедирование cargoes to Uzbekistan, Kazakhstan, Tajikistan.

The license of the State customs inspection at the government of the Kyrgyz Republic 0020ТБ dated June, 13th, 2005.

Considering requirements of the Client, we are developing of the optimum scheme and a route of delivery of cargoes to the recipient.

We offer delivery of a cargo by motor transport from the Western and the East Europe countries, consolidation of a cargo on the terminal in Poland, and the further sending by railway transportation.

The broad of partners, consignors of goods, consignee and transport agencies, allows to our company to execute your ORDER in short term.

Company DOS TOUR is interested in successful and constant cooperation with cargo owners and owners of transport.

In sphere of customs and transport services Company DOS TOUR offers:

Optimization of the international transportations and customs registration, dispatching;
Services of the customs broker;
Registration of the import, export, preliminary declaration;
Document registration at customs;
Signing of allowing letters in State Custom Inspection at Government of Kyrgyz Republic;
Customs registration, customs, customs services, customs clearance;
The help in correct drawing up of the external economic contracts and all accompanying documents;
The prevention and disposal of possible mistakes and superfluous expenses;
Free-of-charge consultation of our constant Clients;
Duly informing of our Clients on all changes in the customs legislation.
If you wish to become our Partner contact Us. We are glad to ALL. Success to you!

3. The list and forms of the documents given for the customs purposes

3.1. The documents confirming the legal status of the enterprise or the person:

– For legal persons:
a) The charter of the enterprise;
b) Constituent documents;
c) Regulations about the state both nongovernmental organizations and societies;
d) The certificate on the state registration in National statistical committee or its territorial bodies;
e)The certificate on the state registration in the Ministry of Justice of the Kyrgyz Republic or its territorial bodies;
f) Identification tax number (INN);
g) The information from bank about presence of settlement accounts;
h) The information from tax inspection on territoriality;
i) The documents confirming legal capacity of persons on realization of activity in territory of the Kyrgyz Republic (to such documents can concern: the certificate on accreditation of branch or representation of the foreign legal person);

For physical persons:
a) The passport (with the instruction of a residence, with a photo, whom and when it is given out);
b) Identification number of social protection of Social fund Kyrgyz Republics (copy);
c) Registration card of the tax bearer and the certificate of the state registration on the right of employment by enterprise activity (copy);
d) Diplomatic passport, accreditation  card for foreign persons and the letter- acknowledgement of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Kyrgyz Republic or the authorized body.

3.2. The documents forming the basis for transportation of the goods and vehicles through customs border of the Kyrgyz Republic, can be given in following forms:

The agreement (contract), transactions on the stock exchange, Futures Contract; barter transactions,
The international and interstate agreements;
Decisions of the state bodies;
Assignments to a carrier on moving of the goods and vehicles;
Donative, the right of succession, the power of attorney on the right of possession or using;
The invitation to participation in exhibitions-fairs;
The letter of the person (donor) on granting the humanitarian help;
The documents confirming the right of property to the goods and vehicles;
Sale and purchase through electronic kinds of communication;
Other documents forming the basis for moving of the goods and vehicles through customs border of the Kyrgyz Republic according to the legislation of the Kyrgyz Republic.

3.3. The documents confirming customs cost:

For acknowledgement of the declared customs cost Declarant should present following documents:

The account-invoice (invoice) and bank payment documents (if the account is paid) or the account- pro forma (for is conditional-cost transactions), and also others payment and (or) the accounting documents confirming cost of the goods;
Transport and insurance documents if they are available depending on conditions of delivery;
The account for transportation or officially certified accounting of transport charges in cases when transport charges have not been included in the account-invoice;
Charges on unloading, loading of the goods (depending on a condition of delivery);
The customs declaration of the country of departure (if it is available);
Packing sheets;
Exchange quotations in case the exchange goods is imported;
Commodity checks, purchasing certificates;
Receipts on payment for the goods cash means (the account warrant, the power of attorney);
In case of need by customs body following additional documents can be demanded:

Contracts with the third parties, concerning to the transaction;
Accounts for payments by the third party in favor of the seller;
Accounts for the commission, broker services concerning the transaction with the estimated goods;
The accounting documentation;
License or author’s agreements;
Warehouse receipts;
Catalogues, specifications, price-lists of the prices (price-lists) of firms-manufacturers;
Accounting of firm-manufacturer on the estimated goods (if the firm agrees it
to give to the Kyrgyz buyer);
Other documents which can be used for acknowledgement of the data, the declared customs cost.
3.4.Shipping documents represented for the customs purposes depending on a way of delivery:

The consignment the international waybill by delivery of a cargo by sea transport;
The international automobile waybill (CMR) by delivery of a cargo by motor transport;
The shipping waybill (ТТН) is sometimes used at moving the goods within the limits of the CIS countries instead of CMR;
TIR CARNET is applied at moving cargoes according to Regulations about the order of application of the Customs Convention on the international transportation of cargoes with application of book  (Convention, 1975);
airway bill  by delivery of a cargo by air transportation;
The waybill international by delivery of a cargo by railway transportation;
The luggage sheet by delivery of a cargo by post luggage. Contains the same data, as other waybills;
The baggage receipt is made out on a cargo moved by the parcel post. Often delivery of a cargo is accompanied additional shipping documentation, such as:
The packing leaf which is made out by the shipper and contains following data:

requisites consignee and consignor of goods; number and date of the contract; the name, quantity, a kind of packing, number of places, weight gross/net, dimensions of a cargo; number of vehicles;
The certificate of loading which is made out consignor of goods. Data on a cargo, number of a vehicle, a surname and passport data of the driver are specified. It is assured by signatures of the director, the chief accountant, the storekeeper;
Post documents.
3.5. Documents and their forms confirming a country of origin of the goods

The documents confirming an origin of the goods from the given country are: the certificate on an origin of the goods or the declaration of an origin of the goods (p.32 the Code).
The certificate on an origin of the goods under form СТ-1 stands out the authorized body of the CIS countries, certifying an origin of the goods with customs territories of the CIS countries;
The certificate on an origin of the goods under the form A stands out the authorized body of the country-exporter;
The declaration on an origin of the goods – the written application for a country of origin of the goods, made in connection with export of the goods by the manufacturer, the seller or the exporter on commercial or any other document concerning the goods (p34 of the Code);
Other documents stipulated by the international agreements and contracts concluded Kyrgyz Republic.